Saturday, August 10, 2013

Does service matter?

 Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe

Wow, it has been almost been two weeks where I haven't posted. I have been very busy at work (and also took a few days off to celebrate my birthday!) and now I can finally write about a topic I think is very important. SERVICE.

When I ask my friend's opinion, most of them say this. I come here for the good food and/or cheap prices. That's it. They also think that good service equates to higher prices. Why? Why do people think that good service has to go hand in hand with high prices? Why do I have to put up with the waiters who don't give a rat's ass at a local establishment just to get decent food? Why do most only expect great service at an expensive sit down hoity-toity French restaurant? I think that great service should be had at any level of eatery, regardless of price and location.

 How many times have you had a chance to go into another restaurant or cafe but end up going to your usual spot? There are plenty of reasons but one is service. They greet you with a cheery "good morning!" They remember your name and your usual order. They make you feel comfortable and at home. This is a great feeling and definitely something that should be done more of.

I think there are a few reasons that there is a lack of service in certain places.

1. Under compensated employees: It's hard to have your staff be very friendly and enjoy working if you do not pay them enough. If they are overworked and underpaid, then you will not get the best out of them. This also leads to high turnover which in the long run means higher expenses related to more training and decreased customer service.

2. Ineffective management: First it's important for the management to look for employees who are the right fit for their job. You should not look for great quality service from a very quiet person who you hired to be a waitress. It's not in her nature to be cheery and talkative with the customers. Maybe she can change, but with all that work and talk, you might as well have hired someone else who fits your needs in the first place.
Secondly, a lack of proper training and discipline by management can lead to future breakdowns in service. That is why companies should have a strict service goal to make sure that all employees know how to treat and interact with customers.
I think great customer service plays a major role in returning customers. It makes the environment more pleasant for everyone. Another side note I want to talk about is the importance of the staff getting along. It is important that the staff treats each other with respect and dignity because this leads to teamwork and strong flow in the restaurant. Having that sense of family and comradery leads to more effective work and improves morale, which indirectly leads to better customer service. A happy employee is one that will do their work more effectively and efficiently while treating customers well.

Without the employee, the store owner has nothing. That is a point that many people seem to lose track of but I will always remember.


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