Thursday, October 17, 2013

Long post coming! Lots of updates!

I have been wanting to write a blog post for a long time now but have failed to find the time. Fortunately today is a slower day and I will basically write about everything I remember doing since the last post I wrote. So this post will be a lot of paragraphs that don't really cohere to any theme. Apologies in advance! *side note* In my previous posts, I realized that I was spending a lot of time going over and changing sentences to make them sound better. But starting with this post, I feel like I am going to leave the sentences how I originally wrote them. My reasoning is because I want it to sound more authentic to myself, and not changed up to sound more formal. I want this to be a place for me to put down my ideas and not really censor nor correct myself (which we are all taught to do)!
Also none of these things come in chronological order, but enjoy anyways!

A good friend of mine, Vincent Ng, had a free day a few weeks back so he generously used half of his day to come out and talk to us about business plans and also to see and give ideas for the interior of the cafe. He loved the location, being two blocks from the beach with major bus lines running across and having a big enough dining area. He recommended a few things during the time we had together. First, he knew that we were trying to cater to the teen-young twenties crowd and encouraged us to make the interior match that population group. Basically he told us that the current interior seemed more fit for a regular cafe, but not fit for the young, hip crowd that we were looking to capture. With his ideas, I changed the interior paint, added LED lights, found some awesome artwork to put on the walls, and make it seem more fitting for the "hangout spot" name. Another thing he talked about was branding. I had read about it before but didn't think how to fully put it into effect for a restaurant/cafe. How I took branding is that I am "branding" this location as a "hang out" spot. Basically people want to know WHY I am here. What is my purpose of opening this place? I am opening this place as a hangout spot for young people because there is a lack of places like this in the city.  Branding is important because it is something your name is associated with whether it be true or not. Apple is 'hip" and "popular". Mcdonalds is "cheap" but "unhealthy". When people say Beach N' Boba, I want them to associate it with "cool" or "THE hangout spot". I am very thankful to Vince for all the advice he gave me that day. It is always helpful having a mentor who has been through this before.

Hired another waitress today. She has experience, is good looking, speaks three languages, AND can work nights. Need more like her!

The renovations are coming together smoothly. The last layer of paint is going up, we are going to move in the equipment Monday and start cleaning the carpet and all of the dishes and cups and such soon after. The last week of October will be used to start cooking in the kitchen and making sure all our recipes translate into the "big" kitchen. 

Was taking pictures near Ghiradelli Square and talked to a photographer who set up a booth there. She takes such awesome pictures that I asked her if we could work something out with my artist's corner and her giving me photos to put up in exchange for giving her exposure and her name and info up on the wall. I would even help her sell them if necessary! So we are still in talks with that.

The business cards came in today and they look great! The t-shirts will come in next week and we are finishing the storefront logo tomorrow and getting that made right away!

Living at home saves me money but at the same time, I need to move out ASAP once I get the business settled. It is a very stressful environment for me. I know that my family loves me and that they really care but the way they talk to me is just so degrading. I know how to take out the trash, I do not need you to teach me how to wipe the table... weird things. I am frustrated by how they still treat me like a little kid. I was living away from home for 6 years and I'm still alive. I'm sure if they just stood back and looked, they would see I can handle things (if I am starting my own business, you would think they know I can handle things) but they insist on "babying" me on almost everything.

Finally got into contact with the main supplier in Northern California. He is actually in San Francisco and delivers to the location which is awesome.

 I think I am hitting the end of this post so I will continue tomorrow.

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